We share helpful tips about kids’ nutrition and vitamins.

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Francoise Krings Francoise Krings

Good Personal Hygiene Tips for Kids

Good personal hygiene doesn’t just make you feel great, but also helps your body function better and can keep nasty germs and viruses away. Children must develop healthy hygiene habits like cleaning their skin, brushing their teeth and hair from the early days.

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Francoise Krings Francoise Krings

Picky Eaters and Tips on Helping Them

If you have a picky eater in your family, this shouldn’t be a reason for panic. There are many reasons why a child can be a picky eater. Things like their personality, sensitivity to specific tastes and smells, copying parents at eating times, social influences or power struggle can all be factors.

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Francoise Krings Francoise Krings

Tummy Time for Babies

Once your baby turns four weeks old, midwives and plunket nurses recommend starting tummy time each day. Tummy time is when you put your baby on their tummy for anywhere from a few minutes to 15 mins and more (increasing it as you go) while you’re watching them.

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Francoise Krings Francoise Krings

7 Family Christmas Traditions

December is usually a hectic month for families with young children. However, it’s also the most exciting and magical time of the year.

​Many families adopt Christmas traditions of their own and make the celebrations memorable and fun for the kids. Do you have a family tradition that you do within your family?

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Francoise Krings Francoise Krings

Introducing a Sibling to Your Older Child

Many pregnant mums who already have a child at home are very aware of the change in the family dynamic which is about to happen in their household. Introducing a new baby into the family with a child can be both exciting and nerve-wracking.

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Francoise Krings Francoise Krings

Oral Care for Kids

We all know that brushing teeth is important from an early age; however, many kids don’t particularly like or remember doing it regularly. So it’s parents’ responsibility to teach their children how to brush teeth properly and help make it into a life-long habit.

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Francoise Krings Francoise Krings

Vitamin C and Its Benefits for Kids

Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid) is very well known for its immune-boosting benefits.

It is undoubtedly the first go-to vitamin during those times we fight a cold. We’ve all loaded up on it when feeling under the weather at some stage in our lives. Naturally, you can find this vitamin in citrus fruits, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, kiwis, berries and broccoli. Many people also use additional supplements to help increase their Vitamin C intake.

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Francoise Krings Francoise Krings

What is Colostrum?

We often hear about colostrum and how nutritious and beneficial it is to kids’ immune system.

​From the moment children are born, mothers are told about the milky fluid that comes before their breast milk called colostrum, which is full of antibodies essential for their baby’s immune system and growth. But what about colostrum in supplements for children?

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Francoise Krings Francoise Krings

Why is Good Nutrition Important for Kids

A balanced and healthy diet full of nutritional value will contribute to your child's quality of life and set them for a healthier adulthood.

Appropriate nutrition will also support your child's developing body and mind, as well as help, develop good habits they will take into their adulthood.

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Francoise Krings Francoise Krings

Vitamin E and Kids

Unlike some well-talked about vitamins like Calcium or Vitamin C, Vitamin E is something not a lot of parents know or understand much about. However, it is a very powerful vitamin which acts as an antioxidant. Antioxidants help with protecting our cells from being damaged by free radicals, which may cause cancer and other unwanted diseases.

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Francoise Krings Francoise Krings

Importance of Friendships for Kids

There have been numerous researches done on the topic of friendships amongst kids and why it’s crucial for their development. The obvious one is that friendships help with developing children’s social and emotional skills, but what are other benefits of friendships among kids?

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Francoise Krings Francoise Krings

Antioxidants and Kids

There is so much information about nutrition and what you should be giving your child, which can be overwhelming. Antioxidants and what they are all about can often be confusing to understand, but understanding about them is undoubtedly a great idea, as they are essential for growing kids.

​If food high in antioxidants is included in a child’s diet from the very beginning, there is a whole lot of benefits that can be reaped from the early days.

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Francoise Krings Francoise Krings

Benefits of Routines for Younger Kids

Once one becomes a parent, life changes dramatically. While you’re in charge of yourself and have flexibility with what you do and when you do it before kids, things change when you become a parent. Life is taken over by a little human, which demands time and attention and life becomes less flexible as we knew it.

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Francoise Krings Francoise Krings

Childlife Essentials First Defense and its benefits

Children often get sick, as they are surrounded by other kids in preschool or school. Kids are exposed to lots of bugs daily, it’s just a fact! Parents try everything they can to help their kids avoid winter bugs and viruses.

Of course, the major part of protecting kids from getting sick plays in? their immune system and how strong it is. It is there to keep any bugs away from the body or fight illnesses that invaded it.

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Francoise Krings Francoise Krings

Why Secure Early Bond is Crucial for a Child's Development

Many of us understand that it is essential for a baby to have a secure bond with their mother, but only a few know why. Below we wanted to discuss why an early bonding between a baby and mother is so crucial.

Believe it or not, but an early bond or a lack of it can affect a person later in their adult life. Anything from their mental health, the way they see the world or how they deal with challenging situations.

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Francoise Krings Francoise Krings

Multi-Vitamin and Mineral and Why Kids Should Take It

Many parents believe in providing multi-vitamins for their children and understand the value of them. However, it is also somewhat a grey area for some parents, as they aren’t sure if they should be giving them to their kids and if so - when.

We put together a few important points on multi-vitamin and why it is beneficial for kids.

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Francoise Krings Francoise Krings

Why Reading With Kids is Important

You may have heard that reading plays a huge role in kids’ development, but do you know exactly how?

Well, studies show that the vocabulary of kids who listen to their parents read to them is bigger than kids who don’t get reading time at all. There are undoubtedly various benefits in reading to your child.

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Francoise Krings Francoise Krings

Why Omega 3 Oil is Beneficial for Kids’ Brain Development

Did you know that a brain consists of 60% fat and 20% of which need to include Omega 3 fatty acids? Various studies show that pregnant women can provide hugely beneficial support to their baby’s brain by taking DHA during their pregnancy. This doesn’t stop when the baby is born, and many professionals suggest that parents give their children fish oil regularly.

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Francoise Krings Francoise Krings

Why After-School Activities are Important for Kids

Once kids start school, parents don’t just get busy helping their kids with homework and school activities, but also often think about after-school activities and which ones they should sign up their kids to.

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Francoise Krings Francoise Krings

Kids Cough: Causes and Treatment

A cough occurs as a reflex action by the body to clear the airways of any irritant or mucus. When a child develops a cough, it usually scares parents, because a cough can be either something temporary and easily curable or something more serious.

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